mercredi 3 août 2011

Interview with Lord Ahriman (Dark Funeral).

Sweden’s Dark Funeral are without doubt one of the most notorius and highly regarded of the Black Metal genre. They epitomize the dark essence that is and always will be at the true heart of the European scene.

1) - Dark Funeral has seen so many member changes over the years, Now the black circle is closed, can you give us some words about the new members, and how you met ?

Lord Ahriman) Yeah, but I'm not
the one who look back, but rather forward and try to overcome whatever situation that occur. And as long as I personally have the soul in the band, I will continue to wave the flag of Swedish Black Metal. As long as my dark spirit is burning inside, I will continue with the Dark Funeral crusade, no matter who stays or leaves.

This time, when we searched for new members, we raised the bar A LOT!. We could obviously have chosen the quick and easy way, brought in some great and talented session musicians, and just kept on touring, but because we wanted and decided to set out with our most serious intention to build a new, much stronger and sustainable line-up, that was an option was ruled out immediately. Besides finding new, highly professional and totally dedicated members, one thing I personally wanted this time, was to find members who shared a strong commitment in everything that surrounds the band. And not only the "fun" things, if you know what I mean?!

Anyway, for the recent additions, we had an open search on our websites where musicians could send in there applications. The interest to join Dark Funeral was quite overwhelmin to say the least. And way over our expectations. With over a thousand applications, from all dark corners of the world, we did however have quite an interesting, but also tough, job to go through, valuate, analyze everyone and so forth, before we finally came down to only a few highly interesting candidates that we wanted to have a closer look at. And from there you go...

Now when the new line-up is all set in place, I can only say that we truly overcome ourselves. Now every single member of Dark Funeral is sharing a tremendously strong commitment, an absolute dedication as well as utter professionalism. And I am absolutely sure that what you, our dear fans, soon will be able to
witness that this unholy gathering of these five knights in Satan’s service is the most sinful and powerful Dark Funeral ever!

Our new and current line-up consists, besides myself of: Chaq Mol (Guitars), Dominator ( Drums), Nachtgarm (Vocals) and Zornheym (Bass)

Our new and stunning vocalist is called Nachtgarm and is from Hamburg, Germany. And have a long history with band such as Negator and Sanguineus to mention a few. Our new bassplayer Zornheym is from Sweden and have a history with band such as Devian, Suicidal Seduction and Aktiv Dödshjälp.

For more information on our new (or old) members I would suggest you check out each members official fanpage on facebook.

Lord Ahriman [founder/guitars] -
Chaq Mol [guitars]-
Nachtgarm [vocals] -
Dominator [drums] -
Zornheym [bass] -

2) - Are you expecting to begin touring soon and if so what is planned?

Lord Ahriman) Yes. We are currently busy rehearsing to get in killer shape and to be able to hit the road as soon as possible to unleash hell upon mankind once again! We will premiere the new line up by playing the Sweden Rock Cruise on October 6-7 (with Exodus, Anvil and Helix + two yet to be confirmed acts). And from there we will try and keep busy touring as much as possible throughout the world. Make sure to keep tuned in to one of our websites to
keep fully updated on our new tour dates.

3) - Any chance to play in Africa or morocco one day? Dark Funeral are well know here

Lord Ahriman) I'm glad to hear that we have a fan-base in Morocco, that's fantastic!. And you know what. We would absolutely love to play there! If you really want to help us make it happen, the best you, the fans can do, is to get your horde together and keep pushing your local promotor/venues to book us!!! That's a rule that applies worldwide! You find our booking agency at

4) - When you formed Dark Funeral, were there goals for what the band would sound like?

Lord Ahriman) I've always had in mind to try and create the ultimate Satanic Metal Symphony.

5) - Now do you think Dark Funeral reached its aim?

Lord Ahriman) Well, we're on the right track, but I still find a great inspiration to keep on improving our sound further. To bring our music into yet another dark and hellish dimension but also to push myself and what I'm capable of doing as a guitarist and songwriter.

6) - Which band you been touring with before would you tour with again?

Lord Ahriman) Cannibal Corpse, Naglfar, Endstille to mention a few.

7) - Where do you think the band have the most dedicated fans?

Lord Ahriman) South/Latin America, no question about it!

8) - If you ever would lack inspiration. What do you do to gain that again?

Lord Ahriman) Try to cleanse my mind from stress and pressure, both from the inside and outside.

9) - What are your all time favourite Metal albums?

Lord Ahriman) It's almost impossible for me to say. It pretty much change from day to day, depending on in which mood I wake up.

Lord Ahriman, Thank you for answering my questions and good luck for the future With Dark Funeral and your other side Projects. We can't wait to see you here, if you want to tell the readers anything else, please feel free:

Lord Ahriman) Thanks for your show of interest and support! As I previously said. Get your horde together and keep pushing your local promotor/venues to book us! As soon as we have a serios offer, I can assure you that we will come and play, can't wait!


- 06-07.10.2011 Sweden Metal Cruise, Stockholm, SE (Stockholm - Turku - Stockholm)

- 15.10.2011 Metal Invasion - Chapter V - Ruhstorf, DE

- 23-27.01.2012 70000 Tons Of Metal - Miami, FL - George Town, Cayman Islands - Miami, FL, International water



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